5 Day Kilimanjaro Climbing via Umbwe Route

Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing

Package Overview

The 5 Day Umbwe route has a well-deserved reputation for being the most challenging route on Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing. Approaching from the south, the Umbwe route is a short, steep, and direct climb. After reaching Barranco Camp, the trail follows the southern circuit to the summit. The descent is done via the Mweka route. The Major reason that the 5 DayUmbwe route is considered to be very difficult is its steepness in the first two days and its short time of acclimatization. This route is attempted by strong hikers who are also confident of their ability to acclimatize to the altitude.


Arrival at the Airport and Pick Up

Upon your arrival at Kilimanjaro or Arusha Airport Genius Kilimanjaro climbing team will meet you for your transfer to your hotel in Arusha. The rest of the day will be spent relaxing at the hotel or exploring the town of Arusha. In the evening you will be met by our team for briefing about the 5 day Umbwe route Kilimanjaro adventure. You will have dinner and rest for the night.



This Route Map

Day by Day

Your hike starts on day 1. Our destination today is the Umbwe Cave Camp. After breakfast Genius Kilimanjaro climbing team will drive you from your hotel in Arusha to Kilimanjaro National Park, a 2-hour drive. You will pass through Machame gate where you will complete all legal registrations before you begin your hike. After registration Genius Kilimanjaro climbing team will drive you to Umbwe Gate which is your starting point. You will use a maximum of 5 to 7 hours, lunch included, to reach the destination. The hike will take you through the rainforest. Dinner will be served at Umbwe Cave Campsite where you will also spend the night.

On the second day of your hike, the first section of the trail continues following the ridge. After leaving the forest, you will continue through open moorlands heading toward Baranco camp. The hike will take us 5 hours including lunch. Barranco Camp is generally regarded as the most scenic campsite on the Umbwe Trail as it is surrounded by giant Senecio and lobelias. Barranco Camp is in a valley, the sun, therefore, rises later than at the other camps. Genius Kilimanjaro Climbing will serve you dinner and spend the night at the Barranco Camp.

On day 3 you will make your way up the Barranco Wall, an awesome-looking obstacle. Let this not intimidate you. You will realize that it is not as difficult as it seems. It will take you about 1 hour to reach the top of the rocky wall. Some sections of the wall will require you to use your hands for a better grip, but it does not require technical climbing skills. On reaching Karanga Camp Genius Kilimanjaro Climbing will serve you lunch after which you will enjoy some rest before proceeding with the hike to Barafu Camp. Our team will be with you every step of the way to lend a helping hand where necessary. The entire hike from Barranco Camp to Barafu Camp will take you about 8 hours including lunch.

On arrival at Barafu Camp, which is the base camp, the Genius Kilimanjaro climbing team will serve you dinner. You will then be allowed to rest in readiness for the summit night. You will be woken up around midnight by our guides with a warm cup of tea and biscuits to get you ready for your final ascent. Your headlamps, and on lucky nights the moonlight, will be your only source of light as you make your way up to Stella Point at 5,730 meters above sea level reaching the crater rim in about 5 to 7 hours. Another 1 to 2 hours will take you to Uhuru Peak, where you can enjoy the sun rising on the roof of Africa. After capturing this incredible view and achievement on film you will start your descent along the same route back to Barafu Camp, where the Genius Kilimanjaro climbing team will be waiting for you with some snacks and refreshments. You will rest for a while before making your way to Mweka Camp for dinner and an overnight stay. This is your last night on this magnificent mountain. You will have dinner after which you will retire to bed.

This is the last day of your adventure with Genius Kilimanjaro climbing. After breakfast, our team will host a traditional farewell ceremony for you. You will then begin your final descent from Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate, a journey of about 2 to 3 hours. At the Mweka gate, you will be served lunch and soft drinks. You will get the chance to sample Kilimanjaro beer in celebration of your achievement. You will also be awarded your certificates and sign out. You will then be driven to Arusha to your hotel/lodge.

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About Route

7-Day Lemosho Route

Umbwe Route

The Umbwe route has a well-deserved reputation of being the most challenging route on Mount Kilimanjaro.

Package Detail

Embark on your dream trip with Genius Kilimanjaro Climbing

Customize your itinerary with our specialists for an unforgettable adventure in Tanzania. Whether it’s summiting Mount Kilimanjaro or exploring local culture, we’ll make it happen. Contact us to make your dream journey a reality

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5 Day Kilimanjaro Climbing via Umbwe Route